Casting main heroine for NTR's Dammu is turning into an interesting story by the day. When Sruthi Haasan walked out of the project citing date issues, producer K S Ramarao and director Boyapati Srinu approached Kajal Agarwal who agreed to do. But it is learnt that both producer and director are miffed with the attitude of Kajal Agarwal's manager, so they immediately approached Trisha and gave her an advance amount for the movie too. From Friday (October 27, 2011), Trisha joins the shoot of Dammu that is under progress in Hyderabad.

This is the first time that Trisha is pairing up with NTR though acted with almost all the current top heroes in Tollywood. Actually they were to act together for Brindavanam (2010) but she could not adjust and the role eventually went to Kajal Agarwal.

Karthika as second lead

Karthika, yesteryear actress Radha's daughter, has been finalized as the second female lead. She shot to fame with the dubbed movie, Rangam , which ran for 100 days in Andhra Pradesh.

The woes of getting right female lead for NTR for this film have finally ended.

Trisha steps in Jr NTR in Dammu!

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